I really need a giant mug of root beer right now. Or maybe Schroeder's mom's slipper full of root beer. (You'll understand after you listen.)
So, here's the thing. The recording of episode 52 went just fine. The post-production? Not so much. BUT, we got the episode out, though you'll notice the audio is glitchy in some places. Sorry about that.
The good news is...SNOOPY'S GETTING MARRIED, CHARLIE BROWN! This 1985 special finds our favorite beagle all set to walk down the aisle. Will he go through with it?
We've also got a couple of "Motion Comics", a "Peanuts by Schulz" titled "Autumn is Here" and another Random Strip of the Month.
Thanks to Nick Jones for the use of his song "25% Off".
Check out www.carnivaofgleecreations.com for info, episodes and social media for this show IT'S A PODCAST, CHARLIE BROWN and my other show ATARI BYTES, which features an original short story by me every single week.